Francisco De La Torre Prados
Coat of arms

Municipality: 398 km2
Municipality: 571,026
Postal zone
Area code(s)
+34 95
Type: Ayuntamiento
Body: City Council of Málaga
Mayor: Francisco De La Torre Prados (PP)
- EN

Francisco De La Torre Prados
The changes in political leadership are very usual and happen quite regularly. Cities and regions rarely keep their leaders on the same position for a long time. Francisco de la Torre Prados is a very positive exception: he has been serving as mayor of Málaga since 2000, always adapting to the political scene.
Born in 1942 in Málaga, mayor de la Torre Prados developed interests for agriculture, society and local administration during his early ages. This passion enabled him to pursue his educational development at the University of Salamanca, where he studied sociology. After his graduation, Federico de la Torre Prados continued his further specialization.
He soon enrolled into University of Rennes in France, where he specialized in the Regional Development. Later o,n he also pursued his PhD at the University of Madrid.
In the 2000s, he won the municipal elections for the position of mayor with absolute majority. These elections marked the beginning of his two decade reign over the city.
Alongside his work as mayor of Màlaga, Federico de la Torre Prados focused on regional and international politics as well. One of his notable positions on the international level was Vice President of the Bureau of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly since 2012, also known as ARLEM. His work was highly valuable and was proposed for another term in 2021. Parallel to this function, he was also serving as Vice President until 2020 of the Euro-Mediterranean Association of Local and Regional Authorities, also known as COPPEM.
On a national level, Federico de la Torre Prados was Chairman of the Finance Commission and the Mobility and Accessibility Commission of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and vice President of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. His achievements and successes in all of these positions and organizations led to his wide, international recognition.
Mayor of Malaga also received two valuable rewards, the first one being decorated by the French Republic. Ever since his time spent in Rennes, mayor de la Torre Prados maintained close ties with intellectual and cultural circles in the city and France. The cultural projects he has done in collaboration with France were highly successful. This led to his decoration with the Legion of Honor in 2017.
Soon after, in 2019, Federico de la Torre Prados received a Distinction from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Over many years, he established and promoted friendship and collaboration with Japan, on both municipal and regional level. This enabled Spain and Japan to form a unique bond, all with help from Federico de la Torre Prados.
His latest appointment was to the advisory board of the United Nations Agency for Professional Training and Research, also known as UNITAR. The aim of this organization is the establishment of quality standards for countries, regions and cities, which are in line with UN guidelines. All activities are interconnected with the UN and benefit both Málaga and the region greatly. He was elected for this position in 2020. (photo credit: wikipedia)
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