Antonio Muñoz
Coat of arms

Municipality: 140 km2
Municipality: 688,711
Postal zone
41001–41020, 41070–41071, 41080, 41092
Area code(s)
+34 (0)95
Type: Ayuntamiento
Body: Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
Mayor: Antonio Muñoz
- EN

Antonio Muñoz
After Juan Espadas signed his resignation in order to pursue his interest in regional politics, Antonio Muñoz was elected as new mayor of Seville at a plenary session.
Former councilor of Urban Habitat, Culture and Tourism, mayor of Seville was born in La Rinconada neighborhood in 1959. His family used to move a lot. They settled briefly in Malaga, but after a tragic family accident, Antonio Muñoz moved back to La Rinconada in Seville.
He pursued his academic development in Economics and Business. Soon after his graduation, Antonio Muñdoz started his political career, achieving high positions relatively quickly.
His high interests in tourism and economy enabled him to achieve a position of General Director of Tourism Planning and Management at the Junta de Andalucia. This position proved to be the basis for his further successes. Later on, he was elected for similar positions in Seville City Council, primarily being named Director of Tourism and Treasury and Director of Economy and Tourism.
His work in the city is best described by this quote: “I have a modern vision for the city, aligned with avant-garde trends present in most European Capitals”.
Mayor Muñoz is part of LGBTQ collective and he promotes diversity and tolerance throughout the city.
Mayor of Seville stated:”In recent years, Seville has walked down the path of a tolerant city, a city of reference for sexual diversity of all kinds”.
Positive reaction after his inauguration proved beneficial for the confidence of newly elected mayor Muñoz.
In the end of his speech after inauguration, mayor of Seville stated:”I have felt again how lucky I am because I was accompanied by my partner, Fernando, and for living in this city, for having found my place in the world”.
The mandate of mayor Muñdoz is a chance for further promotion of LGBTQ people across high government positions, both in Spain and across Europe. (photo credit: Seville official website)
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