Utrecht tackles student housing crisis with ambitious plan


Utrecht has announced plans to expand student accommodation in the coming years to meet the demand.

City authorities headed by Mayor of Utrecht Sharon Dijksma pointed out that, according to estimates, Utrecht needs additional 5,300 student residences.

Utrecht is to make up the deficit by 2030, with city authorities stressing that plans to build roughly 3,500 housing units are underway and adding that the municipality will help to build the additional 1,800 units.

The plan includes measures to guarantee quality of housing, including a minimum surface area of 14 square metres for student rooms and 19 for apartments.

City authorities noted that students prefer accommodation where they share common areas with roommates, which is why at least 50% of new housing units will be built this way.

Alderman responsible for real estate Dennis de Vries warned “the housing shortage in Utrecht is high” and pointed out that it is difficult for students to find rooms.

“That is why we are taking measures on several fronts to create more living space for students… we mainly focus on rooms because they are cheaper for students and because we notice that many students prefer to live with roommates rather than alone,” he concluded.

The student union welcomed the plan, stressing the importance of moving into student accommodation as part of personal development and growth.

(Photo credit: Sigmund / Unsplash)