Bologna: Focus on sustainable land use


An agreement that cuts the amount of land used in the Bologna metropolitan region by 60 hectares was approved by the city’s metropolitan council., Mayor of Bologna Mateo Lapore announced.

Mayor Lapore stated on social media: ‘’Thanks to this choice we are stopping 60 hectares of concrete planned in the logistics sector. We are talking about an area equal to 120 football fields. We will continue the reduction for the next five years.’’

He explained the move as a ‘’radical measure that puts environmental protection and quality of work first.’’

‘’I want to thank the regional council, the mayors of the metropolitan area of Bologna, the metropolitan council, the labour delegate Sergio Lo Giudice, and the metropolitan delegate Maurizio Fabbri, who followed the resolution,’’ Mayor Lapore also stated.

According to the data revealed by the Italian Higher Institute for Protection and Environmental Research (ISPRA), nineteen hectares of land are cemented per day in Italy each year.

Mayor Lapore further stated that Emilio Romagna was third among the regions for land consumption, and first in the logistics sector.

‘’Here, with this measure, we don’t want to say no to industry and the logistics sector,  we are saying that in Bologna, in Emilio Romagna, we give priority to the protection of the environment and to the quality of work,’’ the mayor of the Italian city explained.  (photo credit: Bianca Ackermann/Unsplash)