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Cities Stockholm+50 High-Level Forum addressed sustainable consumption
Cities Stockholm+50 High Level Forum was held as part of the Stockholm+50 international meeting. The event marked the 50th anniversary of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment which, for the first time, made the environment a major worldwide concern.
Mayor of Stockholm Anna König Jerlmyr said she has welcomed 600 delegates from all over the world to this major UN conference which took place in the Swedish capital.
She stated on social media: ‘’Cities, being closest to citizens, contribute to reducing global warming and need to be involved in negotiations and decisions. I am grateful that the UN Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted the value of cities’ work in his speech and so clearly showed his appreciation and support for Stockholm’s climate and innovation work’’.
This Forum aimed to increase and widen collaboration between mayors around the world and global corporate executives regarding this critical issue by putting cities at the center of the growing discussion on consumption-based emissions.
Mayor of Athens Kostas Bakoyannis was also one of the participants of Cities Stockholm+50 High Level Forum. He stated: ‘’With the honorary invitation of the mayor of Stockholm, I participated in the Cities Stockholm+50 High Level Forum on sustainable consumption where the need for cities to adapt immediately to the new climate conditions was raised more clearly”.
‘’The Municipality of Athens puts climate at the core of every decision, big or small, and fortifies itself for the future,’’ mayor of Athens Kostas Bakoyannis concluded.
The first world conference to make the environment a prominent topic was the United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972.
The Stockholm Declaration and Action Plan for the Human Environment, as well as many resolutions, were adopted by the participants as guiding principles for sustainable environmental management. (photo credit: rawpixel .com/Freepik)