Bratislava expands Streets for Children project


Bratislava has decided to expand the Streets for Children project aimed at improving safety and raising awareness.

Mayor of Bratislava Matúš Vallo pointed out that a city safe for children is safe for everyone, stressing the importance of safety in areas around schools.

“The space in front of schools should be functional, barrier-free and safe for all children so that they can move around without problems,” he noted and added that he is happy with the expansion of the project.

As part of the expansion, 10 additional schools will be included in the project, with city authorities pointing out that the 10 schools with most pronounced problems were chosen.

The project is implemented in cooperation with UNICEF, which described the cooperation as an investment in well-being of children.

The Streets for Children project focuses on traffic safety and areas around schools, offering participatory activities for children and raising awareness about their surroundings.

City authorities pointed out that more than 85,000 children go to kindergartens and schools in the city each day, stressing the importance of making streets safer for them.

Bratislava noted that, besides limiting traffic around schools, the project will lower air pollution. UNICEF pointed out that authorities need to hear out children to help them better.