Athens holds antisemitism summit with more than 25 mayors from all over the world


Athens hosted the Mayors Summit against Antisemitism, with more than 25 mayors from all parts of the world attending.

Speaking at the opening of the summit, Mayor of Athens Kostas Bakoyannis stressed that intolerance “is a direct threat to our democratic way of life… it has no place in our societies.”

He pointed out that Athens remains an ally of tolerance and personal freedom, stressing the importance of cooperation to eliminate intolerance.

Bakoyannis noted that the summit offers a “unique and valuable opportunity to share experiences and practices around dealing with this important issue,” calling on cities to launch initiatives to make societies more tolerant.

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou expressed belief that antisemitism is on the rise worldwide and added “it is our moral duty… to reflect on the causes that gave birth to Nazism, racism, antisemitism and all kinds of racial, religious and social prejudice.”

Deputy Prime Minister of Greece Panagiotis Pikrammenos added “it is our duty to discover and highlight effective ways to combat antisemitism and hate speech.”

Bakoyannis stressed the importance of local authorities in the fight against intolerance, pointing out that local government units owe it to their citizens to build tolerant and inclusive societies.

He noted that democracy was born in Athens and added that the city has cultivated positive relations with the Jewish community for thousands of years.