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Ghent to welcome city leaders who will share their vision for a net-zero future
The city of Ghent in Belgium will host the Eurocities Environment Forum 2023 from 26th to 28th April 2023. The forum will bring together representatives from over 140 European cities to discuss how they can power their cities with clean and renewable energy sources.
The theme of the forum is “Powering our cities: how local energy communities can drive the green transition”. The forum will showcase best practices and innovative solutions from cities that are leading the way in creating local energy communities, promoting citizen participation, and fostering social inclusion in the energy sector.
The forum will also feature a live online broadcast on Thursday 27 April, from 09.30-12.30 CET, which will be open to all interested parties . The broadcast will cover various aspects of local energy communities, such as how cities can support them and cooperate with them, how cities can engage citizens and stakeholders in co-creating local energy policies and projects, how cities can ensure that the green transition is fair and inclusive for all, and how cities can collaborate with other levels of government and partners to scale up local energy initiatives.
The Eurocities Environment Forum 2023 is part of the NetZeroCities project , which aims to support cities in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through peer learning, capacity building, and policy advocacy.
The Eurocities Environment Forum is an annual event that provides a platform for city officials, experts, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experience on urban environmental issues. The previous edition of the forum was held online in March 2021 under the theme “Towards circular food systems”.
(Photo credit: Azamat Esmurziyev / Unsplash)