Michaël Delafosse
Coat of arms
City: 56.88 km2
City: 286,098
Postal zone
34000, 34070, 34080, 34090
Area code(s)
+33 (0)4
Mayor: Michaël Delafosse
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Michaël Delafosse
Michaël Delafosse is a French politician who was elected as mayor of Montpellier and president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole in 2020.
Since becoming mayor of Montpellier, Delafosse has been fighting against the covid consequences, insecurity and against community abuses.
Furthermore, Michaël Delafosse is the 62nd mayor of the city who has also been dedicated to enabling free transport in the city of Montpellier in which he succeeded.
The residents of the metropolis of Montpellier can now travel free of charge every weekend onboard buses and trams. This way, mayor of Montpellier wants to improve the environment and living conditions, strengthen the attractiveness of local shops and reduce transport costs for residents and especially for families.
Montpellier, which is the seventh city in France in terms of the number of inhabitants, became the first metropolis to implement free access to public transport.
Delafosse is also constantly fighting for a green city that is crossed by numerous cycle lanes. By implementing free transport, mayor of Montpellier also improved the environmental conditions in the city.
Under Delafosse’s mayoral term, the city of Montpellier also signed the first local pact for the ecological transition with the key players in the sectors of mobility, and public works infrastructures. This was a huge success because it made the city the first French metropolis to implement this agreement locally. (photo credit: Delafosse 2020 official website)
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