Andreas Bovenschulte
Coat of arms

City: 326.73 km2
City: 568,006
Postal zone
Area code(s)
+49 (0)421
Mayor: Andreas Bovenschulte
- EN

Andreas Bovenschulte
Andreas Bovenschulte is a German lawyer and politician who has been serving as a mayor of Bremen since 2019. Mayor Bovenschulte is actively working on improving the quality of life for all Bremen residents. The topics of climate, health and education are some of his main priorities. He also regularly visits different Bremen neighbourhoods in order to get to know the residents better and find out what drives them.
The citizens' consultation hours, for which interested people are always able to pre-register, are an essential component of the mayor’s neighbourhood visits. By paying visits to different parts of his city and talking to respective local actors and business representatives, mayor Bovenschulte is able to find out how the city can be improved and how new projects can be implemented. Thanks to the hard work of mayor Bovenschulte, Bremen is able to maintain the position of a major cultural and economic hub of Northern Germany.
Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, born in 1965, studied law at the University of Bremen. Between 1995 and 1998, he had a position as a research associate there and he also did his doctorate in local law during this time. In an interview with the University of Bremen, Bovenschulte stated that being a mayor of this German city was ‘’a tremendous honour and great joy’’.
With numerous important projects, the city of Bremen keeps growing and flourishing. Sustainability and climate protection take central positions in the further development of this charming German city, and are regularly promoted by the mayor Bovenschulte. In 2021, Bremen was home to the Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo. This is Europe’s premier conference and exhibition dedicated exclusively to the discussion of advanced technologies for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry.
By hosting this major event focused on developing solutions and innovations for low-carbon hydrogen production, Bremen demonstrated its strong will to take the leading role in this field. Bremen’s officials also signed a cooperation agreement with the Dutch city of Groningen which previously successfully implemented numerous hydrogen projects.
Led by mayor Bovenschulte, the city of Bremen keeps developing and reaching new heights. Famed for its long history, Bremen is now writing a new chapter in its book, as a vibrant cosmopolitan urban centre with a strong focus on climate and sustainability.
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