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Berlin: Pedestrians to Get Their Own Protection Law
InfrastructureNewsSocial issues
In Berlin, pedestrians are supposed to be protected more, and their priority as traffic participants is being increased. The Senate just passed Germany’s first Pedestrian law.
In Berlin, the city state’s House of Representatives just passed a new Pedestrian law which is part of the Mobility legislation. It is supposed to protect pedestrians more and to “improve their sojourn quality in the public space”, according to Berlin’s center-left Senate.
The issue the Senate saw is the fact that pedestrians have a low priority in traffic, compared to vehicles, in spite of the fact that most trips in Berlin are being taken on foot. At the same time, pedestrians are the weakest traffic participants.
Also, the goal is to convert some streets into “temporary playing zones” or “encounter zones”. The new law also says that the Senate Administration for Transport, Berlin’s equivalent of other states’ transport ministries, can take over the task of installing new zebra crossings if the districts procrastinate.
Generally, the plan is to increase safety for pedestrians. Violations by motorists that endanger “non-motorized traffic participants” are supposed to be penalized more. At the same time, there will be “more comfort” for pedestrians, according to the Senate.
Berlin wants to lower more curbs and make things easier for persons in wheelchairs. Safety for the way to school will be improved, danger zones are supposed to disappear, step by step. Blocking streets temporarily is another measure Governing Mayor Michael Müller’s people have in mind.
Source: berlinspectator